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GameOn: Empowering Inclusion Through Game Design



An Interactive Online Course from 9 October to 13 November

Unlock the potential of game design in fostering inclusion, critical thinking, and youth participation with a free and accessible online course. Open for enrolment now – no application necessary!

Join the GameOn consortium of international educational game design experts in this practical e-learning course, designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills to utilise game design as a dynamic tool for inclusion.

 Enrol to the course today:  https://canvas.instructure.com/enroll/MJJK8P

Years of expertise have culminated in rich insights on transforming game design into an immersive, non-formal learning experience. We aim to empower young individuals and educators alike to create educational games with lasting impact.

The course is open for access anytime, with live interactive sessions (gaminars) scheduled during the weeks of 9th October- 13th November 2023.

Course Highlights:

1. Understanding Games: Dive into the essence of games and what makes a game educational.

2. Non-Formal Learning: Explore varied game design models and effective practices.

3. From Idea to Prototype: Complete a step-by-step guide to creating your own educational game.

4. Game Design for Inclusion: Discover how to drive inclusion through your game design.

5. Skills Development: Cultivate personal, social, and civic competence using the Incluship gamified tool, digital Open Badges, and the Cities of Learning platform.

Content, Activities, and Resources:

We provide a rich multimedia content environment with hands-on resources to support your learning journey. With extensive practice in online education, we ensure your learning experience is interactive, engaging, and fun, both on the course platform and during the gaminars. Prepare for a playful, enjoyable, and valuable learning experience.

Upcoming Gaminars : Enrolled learners will receive information regarding the gaminar schedule in September. Enrol now to transform your learning approach with game design! Click on this link to join the course: https://canvas.instructure.com/enroll/MJJK8P

Course Certification: Successful completion of the course will earn learners open digital badges and a Youthpass certificate.

Information channel.

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